Our Souls Journey

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary:   We are going to discuss the journey our soul experiences in the transition after death.  We will examine and discuss how it feels to die and how the soul progresses into the spiritual realm.  We will refer to Dr. Michael Newton's book "Journey of Souls" and the case studies he describes in the book.  We will add how these case studies relate to the experience we see as spiritual mediums when we observe souls "crossing over" and how important a role our spiritual guide is during the transition.    At the bottom of the first hour Leslie Hale will join us for the "Astro Talk" segment.  You can view Leslie's latest blog at www.lesliehale-astrology.com and if you would like to connect with Leslie you can arrange a call with her at www.pmp-advisors.com.    The show tonight will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors at www.pmp-advisors.com.   We will be taking callers at the last hour of the show.  You can call in at 1(714)888-7516 to connect with our advisors.  After connecting be sure and press the number (1) to show that you want to speak with us.