The Phenomena of Bilocation!

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary:   Astral travel , Out of Body experiences and Bi-location are all forms of astral projection.  In bilocating a person is able to project their consciousness to another location.  They are able to hear, see, and even speak using their 'astral body.'  All the while being able to function consciously from within their physical body as well.       Bi-location has been associated with many spiritual personages for eons.  It is referenced in the bible and was considered a "supernatural" occurence.  It is not unusual however and there are many documented cases of bi-location.    The show tonight will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors from    At the bottom of the first hour we will be joined by Leslie Hale for her "Astro-Talk" segment.  You can arrange a call with Leslie at and you can view her newsletter at   We will be accepting call-ins in the second hour.  You can call in at 1(714)888-7516 and be sure to press the number (1) after being connected if you want to speak with the Advisors.