Show#24 Day Man, Champion of the Night Man!

Four Dudes on Tech show

Summary: Google Wave: Older CNET article: Mozilla Labs Raindrop * Similar to Google Wave, but not exactly Updates from previous shows (mentioned last week) Wilson, NC and Greenlight Cable/Internet/Phone * No updates yet, will have to wait until 2010 and the next session of the NC legislature * Relevent quote from the article: o "Time Warner Cable, which offers its own phone and Internet service, is pushing for rules that North Carolina town officials say would kill municipal telecom service by raising its cost. This week, after Time Warner's request hit a wall of opposition, legislative committees in the General Assembly put off debate for more study, buying a year's reprieve for municipal broadband advocates." Oakland County, MI; Free countywide Wi-Fi * Every page of this site says "Because of the poor Michigan Economy, Oakland County had to cancel its planned free WiFi program." * They are trying to sell the domain name, its currently full of ads. * No time frame for trying to bring plan to fruition. TOSback a beer or two * Website still going strong * 56 website policies under watch RIP GeoCities, You probably won't be missed but will never be forgotten New... In Your Eye! * What do you think of this concept? * Would you use something like this? * I personally find it kind of creepy. Canonical cutting the distribution of free CDs of Ubuntu * Due to the growing popularity of Ubuntu * Could this potentially hinder the growth of Ubuntu? Disney is going to lock up your movies for you * About access rights, not physical ownership * Cloud computing type of logic, permits people to access media anywhere * Another initiative Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem, or DECE has similar goals o Could we see a VHS/BetaMax HDDVD/Blu-Ray fight out of this? * Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs is Disney's largest shareholder, could we see an iKeychest? * "To be sure, other movie studios may be hesitant to put a competitor in charge of access to their content. And Keychest would allow movie studios to dictate how many devices, connected to which distribution networks, a given title can be played on. That could limit consumer choice and make the system confusing." * "The Keychest process is enabled by a system that generates a unique "key" when the movie is purchased, then stores that key in a repository. Other distribution services that are Keychest participants automatically query that repository and learn what movies the consumer has paid for." o And what if Keychest goes out of business? Or if Disney (et al) discontinue the service? I always knew Indian food could kill something... Odd/Interesting News;_ylt=AmH6iJ7... * Good news for smokers CYBERTERRORISM! bom bom bommmmmm! * Thought? * How rampant is cyberterrorism? * Does it pose a threat to safety or just personal information theft?