Show#30 - Don't Apologize to your friends...Apologize to our Robot Overlords!

Four Dudes on Tech show

Summary: Four Dudes On Tech Podcast Show#30 - Don't Apologize to your friends...Apologize to our Robot Overlords! December 17th, 2009 We can be reached: Http:// Complete show notes and links available at Get Great Web Hosting at and save 10% Use Promo Code: pod168 Topics Include: AT&T to slow down data usage of smartphone customers? * CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets has recently been talking about the stress that heavy data users are putting on its network. * Apparently something needs to be done. Samsung unveils new interactive OS to enter into the smartphone wars * Called bada OS The Nook eReader has been hacked and rooted * Hackers can control and change the Android based device using the Android developer kit. Microsoft China caught stealing code * New microblogging service stole up to 80% of the code from an already established company. Could a global cybercrime police force be on the horizon? * Most internet crime is perpetrated in one country against victims in another. * Is such a force needed to prosecute cybercriminals? The Interwebs go crazy with news of a Google phone * The Nexus One might be that elusive "Google Phone" that nerds have been wet dreaming about. Mozilla claims its new mobile Firefox will replace app stores * Fast JavaScript engine will allow developers to design apps for the browser instead of the mobile platform Life size humanoid robots to be sold for the holidays * Japanese department store Sogo & Seibu are making a robot to look just like its owner. Fred waxes intelectual on: * Cancer * Hipsters * NASA * Dick