Goodbye First Love

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Summary: Paris, winter 1999. Camille is 15, Sullivan is 19. Although they love each other passionately, Sullivan wants to go travel in South America for a year - a plan that fills Camille with despair. At the end of the summer, Sullivan leaves and a few months later he stops writing to Camille. In the spring, Camille makes a suicide attempt. 2003. Camille is fully devoted to her architectural studies. She meets a well-known architect, Lorenz, who makes her once again feel confident in herself. She falls in love with him.2007. Camille and Lorenz form a solid couple. Camille is his assistant, but she feels that she will soon be ready to start her own agency. It is then that Sullivan once more crosses her path. Despite an awkward and cold first encounter, Camille sees him again, picking things up where they left off. She has never stopped loving him; he becomes her lover. Her heart is now divided between the two loves of her life.