KnitWit 116: Not Really an Episode

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: I am afraid I have lost my voice.. If you find it laying around any where, let me know. Just a short non-show to give you some updates. Damsel is over 7 lbs. Vet was real thrilled with her weight gain and how she is looking except for the tail. It still looks groody. We will have to try a sulfur treatment on it to try to clear it up. Not looking forward to that lovely smell. Sheep got sheared. I tried to get another story from Scott but he had a date with his girlfriend. I understand priorities. He said maybe next year. He did tell me his parents found the episode and gave him a hard time about telling stories instead of doing his job. Maryland Sheep and Wool festival is right around the corner. I would love to get together with you. I want to arrange a get-together time for Saturday late afternoon. When will work for you? Let me know. website: email: ravelry: autumnbreeze ravelry forum: KnitWit:Rantings of a Rabid Knitter Forum Thanks. Carry approx. 4 minutes