Steve Farrell/GLOBAL ONENESS DAY 10/17/12

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: Imagine a world where everyone feels welcomed and wanted... Imagine a world where everyone knows, deep in their hearts, that they belong... Imagine a world where we all recognize that we are part of one global family... It may sound like a dream, but it’s not. This world is possible now! And the time has come to make this dream a reality. That’s the intention of Global Oneness Day: To remind you to remember the truth of our Oneness, that all of life is connected, and to inspire you to celebrate and appreciate this truth with others. Join us as Julie Ann hosts Steve Farrell, co-founder with Neale Donald Walsch of Humanity's Team and Global Oneness Day, which was launched at the United Nations in 2010 - and will celebrate the 3rd Annual Global Oneness Day on Oct. 24, 2012. On ConsciousSHIFT, you'll hear about the Global Oneness Day Telesummit ( - featuring luminaries such as such as Ken Wilber, Jack Canfield, Lynne McTaggart, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Michael Beckwith, don Miguel Ruiz, Jean Houston, Joan Borysenko, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and many more - and about all the other Global Oneness Day activities (see, so you may personally participate in this worldwide celebration. Register here for Global Oneness Day: What is Oneness? Oneness is more than a beautiful word. Oneness is the energy of love that lies within you and connects you with all of life, helping you to recognize yourself in everyone and everything. Mystics of all traditions have experienced and shared the concept of Oneness throughout the ages. And, now, this idea of oneness is being reinforced by leading-edge science, which confirms that we ARE all connected in remarkable ways – from the genes you inherit to the air you breathe to the consciousness you share. The old worldview in which you are somehow competing for survival is giving way to a new one in which you are collaborating to thrive! Oneness is more than a concept; it’s your true nature. By celebrating your oneness on one day, our hope is that you will embrace and celebrate your oneness EVERYDAY. You are saying YES to creating a world where everyone feels welcomed, wanted, a sense of genuine belonging and a deep connection to our global family and earth. As the Hopi Elder said: "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for." We ARE the ones we’ve been waiting for. And the wait is over. Join Julie Ann and Steve on ConsciousSHIFT for this special Global Oneness Day Show!