KidCast: Epsode 27 - Podcasters for a cure! | Language Arts | NECC

KidCast: Learning and Teaching with Podcasting show

Summary: This week on KidCast: Podcasting in the Classroom... We'll get an update on the Where in the World Podcast quiz show and hear about a new idea that offers a new twist on this interactive podcast quiz. Podcasters for a cure! I'm running two marathons...that's 52.4 miles...within 7 days this fall in Chicago and Washington D.C. to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please visit my Team in Training blog and consider donating to this very worthy cause. To set the mood for this fundraising effort, I'm playing Beatrice Ericsson's "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" on the the show. Beatrice is from Sweden and has an amazing voice and a great way with a song. If this song doesn't motivate you...I'm not sure what will. This song is on heavy rotation on my iPod while I run! I'll also share a few podcasts and Web 2.0 integration ideas for language arts. Grab your favorite reading and writing teacher and see if you can introduce them to the world of podcasting and fan fiction. Are you heading to NECC 2006 in San Diego? If so, drop me a line and let's get together for a cup of coffee and talk podcasting. This is a great conference and you'll find lots of great resources for podcasting and other educational technologies. Check out their website at