Find out what it's like to know Eckhart Tolle Personally - Founder of Namaste Publishing speaks

NamasteRadio show

Summary: Constance Kellough the Publisher of Namaste books discusses how Namaste Publishing came to be. Constance tells us of her journey and experiences in searching for spirituality, meeting Eckhart Tolle and working together as first time writer and publisher to share The Power of Now with the world. Constance will discuss her personal friendship with Eckhart Tolle and what it's like to have known him since his early days as a spiritual teacher. From the beginnings of Namaste Publishing, and what Constance refers to the "visionary mustard seed", Namaste Publishing has grown to be a leading publisher of books covering a range of topics from spirituality to personal growth and transformation. The birth of NAMASTE PUBLISHING is an example of how, if we are open to it, life itself will lead us in every step of our journey of becoming servants of the oneness that seeks to express itself in our myriad forms. Namaste Publishing can be found at