Dhamma Podcasts from Pariyatti.org: Vivian Snyder in Shelburne, MA

Pariyatti show

Summary: A talk from the 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" seminar held in Shelbourne Falls, MA, Different Kinds of Minds is a discussion of ADHD and ways that Vipassana Meditation can help with treatment. Vivian Snyder Shelburne, MA 5 September 1999 60 minutes Streaming Audio (ideal for users with slower Internet connections): Click here to listen Download (28 MB): Click here to download Copyright, 1999 Vipassana Research Institute A follow up to this 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" conference was held in 2000. The audio from the 2000 conference may be purchased here There is more information about vipassana meditation at Dhamma.org, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore. May all beings be happy!