#1249: Filmmakers Melanie Lentz-Janney & Sylvia Caminer

Filmwax Radio show

Summary: DownloadGet it on iTunes {pb_mediael audio_mp3=[http://d343ypnmzkqpnf.cloudfront.net/filmwax/1249-filmwax.mp3] } Melanie Lentz-Janney and Sylvia Caminer visit Filmwax Radio. They are the filmmakers behind the new rock doc, AFFAIR OF THE HEART, which follows the relationship between Rick Springfield and his most enthusiastic fans. The film opens at the IFC Center on Wednesday, October 11. Rick Springfield and filmmakers will be present at screenings on Wednesday, Oct 10 & Thursday, Oct 11 for the Q&A following the 7:15 shows, and on hand to introduce the 9:45 shows! Rick Springfield will be there signing CDs on Wed Oct 10th, 5:30-6:45! Like the film on Facebook