Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon: Dr. Peter K. Jonason

Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon show

Summary: Advice Goddess Radio: Nationally syndicated advice columnist Amy Alkon on love, dating, sex, relationships and rude people.   Tonight, Dr. Peter Jonason on bad boys, booty calls, and the double standard -- the dark side of human mating.   I was determined to have him on my show after hearing him present his work at evolutionary psychology conferences I've attended. Really smart stuff.   He's coming to us from all the way down under, in Sydney, where he's a prof at the University of Western Sydney.     WE WANT YOUR CALLS! Call in Sunday night, 7-8 p.m. Pacific, 10-11 p.m. Eastern for advice on love, dating, sex, relationships or to talk with Peter and me about the subjects we're discussing. Call-in number once the show is on and live (at 7 p.m.): (347) 326-9761 (New York area code).