Diet Soap Podcast #159: The Limitations of Happiness

Right Where You Are Sitting Now show

Summary: The guest this week is Ashley Frawley. Frawley is a researcher in the problematisation of happiness and wellbeing at the University of Kent, Canterbury, and we discuss happiness in an fairly unhappy way. Her thesis "traces historical uses of the term ‘happiness’ from the perfunctory evocations of the past to the present-day project of redefining the idiom as the legitimate domain of expertise and campaigns to bring it [happiness] to the forefront of public debate." The new Diet Soap workshop is starting this weekend, and I've decided to invite all listeners to participate. The workshop is a benefit for regular subscribers and sometime in October I'll be using Google hangouts to host the discussion, but to begin with I thought I'd give everyone an opportunity to see what the workshops are like and I'm using Talkshoe to host the conversation. This first conversation is scheduled for 6pm EST on Sunday, September 30th. Please feel free to participate. I want to thank Davis D for recently subscribing to the podcast and workshop. Davis, your copy of my surrealist memoir will be going out in the mail next week. I'm very grateful for your donations and to all of the subscribers of the Diet Soap podcast.