ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: Andrea Polard/A UNIFIED THEORY OF HAPPINESS Happiness is a good relationship with the WHOLE of life ... the good and the bad, the fragility and the strength. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Andrea Polard, author of A UNIFIED THEORY OF HAPPINESS: An East-Meets-West Approach to Fully Loving Your Life, encourages we blend the best of both Western and Eastern modes of consciousness - using the "twin wings" of full life participation. "Happiness seen as full life participation is fulfilling," Andrea explains. "Our Western culture makes us actively part of life, and our Eastern culture fosters awareness of our participation in life. These are the two modes of consciousness: the Basic Mode, wherein one actively relate[s] to the so-called objective world; and Supreme Mode, wherein one focus[es] on Being." On this show, we will explore how weaving both the Active/Basic mode of consciousness - expressed as ambition, competence, connection and confidence - and the Awareness/Supreme mode of consciousness - experienced as receptivity, tranquility, reliance and lightheartedness - enables a balanced happiness to take flight. We can combine the can-do drive to achieve with the simple presence of mindful awareness to usher in a new evolution in the way each of us approaches happiness. A Unified Theory of Happiness beautifully synthesizes a 20-year study of Eastern contemplative wisdom and the latest from Western science to illuminate an understanding of happiness that honors the full spectrum of life’s offerings even as it broadens our experience of its inherent joy. Andrea F. Polard, PsyD, is a German-born author and clinical psychologist with an extensive background in psychodynamic therapies, meditation, and Ericksonian mind-body work. Join Julie Ann and Andrea for a dynamic dialogue designed to dramatically boost your happiness and wholeness!