Ep 058: Benchmark Wines of the New World

Wine for Normal People show

Summary: And this week we complete the duo with the list of benchmark wines from the New World. After shout outs and a great listener question from Facebook on how to live as an ABC  (that's Anything But Chardonnay) guy? We discuss the alternatives to oaky Chardonnay that still have the umph with food. True to the naming structure, and following M.C. Ice's smart advice, we've organized this one by grape...Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Shiraz, and Cabernet Sauvignon are covered...with a few more thrown in. Now that you know them, why should you listen? Because we talk through each and why they're benchmarks... important stuff to know! Thanks again to Paula Kidwell for the podcast idea. If you like the podcast, please pass it on to your friends, review it on iTunes, drop a comment below, or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine! And if you've got a question you want us to answer, post it on any of those places and we'll include it on the show! Thanks for listening! We can't wait to hear from you! Podcast music: "Café connection" by morgantj / CC BY 3.0, ©2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) Map: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license