Academic English show

Summary: KIWI PHOTO Palmerston North ACADEMIC WORD A homogenous (or homogeneous) population has little variation between members. So that means that each member is quite similar to the others. ‘Homo’ means ‘same’ and ‘genus’ means ‘type’ in Greek. The opposite is ‘heterogenous’, which means ‘different types’. So a heterogenous population has a lot of variety. The nouns are ‘homogeneity’ and ‘heterogeneity’, which means ‘sameness’ and ‘diversity’. TEST Here are FOUR sentences with the word of the day. But only THREE are correct. Which is the Odd One Out? The custom of rubbing noses is more or less homogenous to handshakes and embraces in Western cultures. The students in the class were far from homogenous, which made it difficult to decide on what they knew and needed to know, as well as how best to help them learn it. The term ‘Asian’ gives the mistaken impression that Chinese, Koreans, Japanese etc form a single, homogenous community. The model assumes homogenous capital markets, which does limit its application to complex real world contexts. PRACTICE Do you find your classes to be homogenous in terms of levels of background knowledge among the different students? Is the main community you belong to more homogenous or heterogenous? Why? Here are some other podcasts featuring words related to today’s programme: (dimension) (manipulate) KIWI QUIZ  What is the name of the show featuring New Zealand comedians Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement?VIDEO Today’s video is about an exciting new development in technology  – the possibility of designing a house on a computer and having it automatically built, using a kind of three-dimensional (3D) printing, called ‘contour crafting’.  Pause on the podomatic player and click on the video to watch and answer the questions below. When it’s over, click on ‘play’ again on the podomatic player to hear me give the answers to the questions. 1) The presenter relates his project to Maslow’s hierarchy of ________ wants needs ideas 2) Current building construction methods are ________ cost-effective risk-averse labour-intensive 3) How many people are injured in the American building industry every year? 400, 000 40, 000 4000 4) CAM stands for computer-aided ______ measurement manufacturing manipulation 5) Contour crafting is an application of ________ 3D printing Sustainable design Intermediate Technology 6) Compared with current building methods, the new approach offers much improved ______ Design Size Flexibility 7) How long is an average house likely to take to build using this new approach? 20 hours 12 days 2 weeks 8) The presenter shows an old Iranian building to illustrate _____ the need to use natural materials in earthquake-prone zones The superior insulation properties of white-walled buildings the benefits of rounded building design 9) Which of these does the presenter believe will be a feature of buildings constructed using contour crafting? Synchronicity Heterogeneity Homogeneity