My Three Shrinks 23: Loons, Lefse, and the Flea

My Three Shrinks show

Summary: June 3, 2007 Topics include:# Doctor Anonymous to be guest on June 17 podcast. # Clink brings back notepads with loons on them and cinnamon lefse from the midwest.# Flea's medical blog affects his malpractice trial. This is a fascinating story, which is well-summarized and explained on Eric Turkewitz's legal blog. We're waiting for Flea's (Dr. Lindeman's) book to come out.# Dinah talks about transference. Also see prior post on Transference to the Blog.# Rules for Bloggers. In response to Flea's troubles, ClinicalCases suggests Five Rules for Blogging: 1-Write as if your boss and your patients are reading your blog every day 2-Comply with HIPAA 3-Do not blog anonymously. List your name and contact information 4-If your blog is work-related, it is probably better to let your employer know 5-Use a disclaimer# We mention a survey of medical bloggers that was done last year. Anyone have a link?# Movie Review: Away From Her. Clink thought this movie about a woman with dementia was very good.# Oh, remember... check out next week's podcast, when Dr. Phil will be joining us for a brief interview. Send us your general questions at mythreeshrinksATgmailDOTcom.Go to for show notes with links.