Alexandra Levit on Finding the Job and Employment Success

AMA Edgewise » AMA Edgewise show

Summary: Alexandra Levit, author of the book Blind Spots: Ten Business Myths You Canrsquo;t Afford To Believe On Your New Path To Success discusses her book which points out the biggest myths of business success; the things people believe that donrsquo;t work for most of the truly successful. In this edition of Edgewise, Alexandra touches on how the recession has transformed our ideas about how business works and why these myths are more dangerous than ever in a compromised economy. She also stresses the importance of self-promotion in the workplace and the pitfalls to climbing the ladder too quickly, as well as the greatest obstacles facing employees and entrepreneurs in the coming years. You will learn her take on personal censorship and online transparency, and why itrsquo;s important to be aware of what you disclose publically. Alexandra Levitis a nationally recognized business and workplace author and speaker. A syndicated columnist for the Wall Street Journal and a blogger for, Alexandra has authored several books, including the popular They Don't Teach Corporate in College, How'd You Score That Gig? and Success for Hire. Alexandra is also a member of the Business Roundtable's Springboard Project, which is advising the Obama administration on current workplace issues. For additional training on this topic, consider these AMA seminars: *Decoding the Unwritten Rules of Executive Career Advancement *Coaching and Counseling for Outstanding Job Performance *What Got You Here Wonrsquo;t Get You There To learn more, read these AMACOM Books: *How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job, by Lily Whiteman *The Career Clinic, by Maureen Anderson *Reinvention, by Brian Tracy