Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-07-23

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: P.28,29,30,31 text: "In the presence of all Buddhas, with a reverent mind, he further receives and practices the dharmas of the ten wholesome paths. He follows what he has received even up to Bodhi, and never forgets or loses it. Because this Bodhisattva, throughout limitless hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of kalpas, leaves far behind the defilement of stinginess, jealousy, and broken precepts, he purifies giving and holding precepts to perfection. He is like true gold, which, when in aluminite (alley stone) can be smelted in accordance with a method until it is free of all impurities and becomes bright and pure. The Bodhisattva who swells upon this Ground of Leaving Behind Defilement also in that way, throughout limitless hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of kalpas, leaves far behind the defilement of stinginess, jealousy, and breaking precepts, and purifies giving and holding precepts to perfection. Disciples of the Buddha, among the four Dharmas of attraction, this Bodhisattva stresses kind words. Among the ten paramitas, he stresses holding precepts. It is not that he fails to practice the others, but he only does so according to his power and proportionately. " 經文: "於諸佛所,以尊重心,復更受行十善道法,隨其所受,乃至菩提,終不忘失。是菩薩於無量百千億那由他劫,遠離慳嫉破戒垢故,布施、持戒清淨滿足。譬如真金置礬石中,如法鍊已,離一切垢,轉復明淨。菩薩住此離垢地,亦復如是,於無量百千億那由他劫,遠離慳嫉破戒垢故,布施、持戒清淨滿足。佛子!此菩薩,四攝法中,愛語偏多;十波羅蜜中,持戒偏多;餘非不行,但隨力隨分。 "