Podcast 402 - How to Grow Your Business

The Engaging Brand show

Summary: The latest show of The Engaging Brand podcast (http://www.blubrry.com/engaging/1527387/podcast-401-entrepreneurial-spirit-do-you-have-it/) covering social media (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/04/art-of-search-optimisation.html), business ideas and brand marketing tips (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/04/are-you-the-new-expert.html) is here and ready to listen to... Laurence Capron (http://www.build-borrow-buy.com/p/about-authors.html) joins me, Anna Farmery (http://theengagingbrand.typepad.com/the_engaging_brand_/conta.html) to talk about * Is growth always the right strategy for business? (http://ws.assoc-amazon.co.uk/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B008HRM862&Format=_SL110_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=GB&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=mabelandharry-21)(http://www.assoc-amazon.co.uk/e/ir?t=mabelandharry-21&l=as2&o=2&a=B008HRM862) * How people can underestimate the decision of build, borrow or buy * Is building internally and borrowing always disinct - what is borrow as a business strategy * Licensing as a source of growth * The role of intellectual property (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/08/intellectual-property.html) and how to identify intellectual property (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/09/social-business.html) as a business asset * Is intellectual property a must for all business (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/08/how-do-i-control-what-people-say-on-the-web.html) or how companies can instititionalise the IP of the people's knowledge * How success is based on the key decision makers not the market or banks * How building internally can embrace outside suppliers or outside assets * How there are two dimensions to making strategic decisions - knowledge and governance * How to protect core business and still grow another area * Is it about how cheap you can do it or how well we can do it? * How acquisition is often not the best way - how to build through contracts and business alliances * Is the Internet (http://www.theengagingbrand.com/2012/08/music-marketing-podcast.html) changing the way how business think about alliances * Why acquisition should be the last resort Remember you can email me, anna@theengagingbrand.com (mailto:anna@theengagingbrand.com), tweet me on twitter (http://twitter.com/engagingbrand) or discuss it on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/107639911923457772951)