2010 Consensus Greentech Awards

Here's Why show

Summary: MP3 download I was a judge for the 2010 Consensus Greentech Awards on December 10th 2010. Listen for the 2010 winners and highly commended innovations. p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }    2010 Judging Panel Ian Woolf Freelance Science Journalist www.ianwoolf.com With a degree in applied physics, Ian set out on a career as an astronomer until injuring his back while working at the Culgoora Solar Observatory in Narrabri. He worked his way up in IT support from St George Hospital to Sun Microsystems, and then to the University of Technology, Sydney as a Systems Programmer. At UTS he was lured into academia and coordinated Computing Theory, lectured in Computer Networking and tutored in Online Communities, before returning to the Physics department to teach physics laboratory classes. Ian was then hired as Project Officer for the Science Communication Education Project run by the Science faculty to teach informal science communication to science students, conduct educational research, and promote research being conducted by the Faculty, by interviewing their scientists and packaging the interviews into podcasts. He co-athoured a paper on using research to teach science and communication skills. For over ten years he has been a presenter and producer on 2SER-FM's weekly science program Diffusion, and reported science on ABC radio. He has built and exhibited interactive electronic sculptures,and given public talks to the Live Futures festival, Science On Tap, the Australian Science Communicators, and Sydney philosophy groups. Ian is a member of the NSW Australian Science Communicators committee and has organised events such as "Successful Freelance Science Writing", and "Podcasting 101". He was one of two judges of the National Science Week Big Blog Theory Science Tweeting awards. p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); } Janine Cahill Director Future Journeys www.futurejourneys.com Janine Cahill is a futurist and innovation and sustainability consultant specializing in giving clients an experience of the future so they can develop innovative strategy and new products and services. Janine has worked with Sustainability as part of Strategy since 1990 when she completed cost-benefit analyses of change projects in Westpac. This included a state initiative on paper printing and transport reduction of over 20% which was then implemented nationally. She also completed some initial feasibility research into environmental cost reductions on $260m of discretionary expenditure. Since then Janine has developed Sustainability and Climate Change as key elements of scenario planning and development, while also building them into Futures Simulations. These simulations require participants to develop strategy, products and services within carbon-constrained futures. Janine designs and runs FISH@6 Foresight Innovation and Sustainability Hothouses which bring together designers, environmentalists, artists, engineers, lawyers, architects, bankers, accountants and others to work with innovation challenges, including an annual Climate Innovation Challenge. Janine is co-founder and Designer of Live Futures 2020, an annual Futures Festival in its fourth year: a combined conference, workshops, ideas space and exploration of possible futures. College of Fine Arts (COFA- part of UNSW) is a major sponsor and partner. p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); } James Cowie Managing Director JCI Business Services www.jcibusinessservices.com James is currently MD and Founder of JCI Business Services. He has extensive experience in Technology, Business and Sustainability and has worked with major organisations in a range of technical roles and in building systems to minimise business' impact on the environment. James has worked with clients in the waste, water, waste water, oil & gas, energy and industrial sectors assisting businesses in identifying and adopting processes, behaviours and technologies to improve the