07-12-2009 The Stand - Message 06: Can Salvation Be Lost?

New Vision Baptist Church show

Summary: 01 Opening<br> 02 Hebrews 5:11<br> 03 Hebrews 5:12<br> 04 Hebrews 6:1-3<br> 05 Hebrews 6:4-8<br> 06 1. The dangers of spiritual immaturity.<br> - - a. The first mark of spiritual immaturity is an inability to instruct others.<br> - - Can I share with others how to know and grow in Christ?<br> - - b. The second mark of spiritual immaturity is an inability to discern good from evil.<br> - - c. The third mark of spiritual immaturity is failing to realize the dangers of spiritual immaturity.<br> - - What is my spiritual immaturity costing me?<br> 07 2. The difference between professors and possessors.<br> - - a. Professors compartmentalize while possessors give themselves completely.<br> - - b. Professors sprout up quickly in the knowledge of Christ but wither just as quickly when it comes to denying self.<br> - - c. Professors will subject Christ to shame before they subject themselves to shame.<br> 08 I John 2:19, d. Professors quit while possessors finish.<br> - - e. Possessors bear fruit while professors manufacture behavior.<br>09 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Closing<br>