08-30-2009 The Stand - Message 13: A Game Plan For The Stand

New Vision Baptist Church show

Summary: 01 Opening<br> 02 Hebrews 13:1-5<br> 03 1. The Stand means that we open our homes for ministry.<br> Take the initiative to leverage your home as a ministry center.<br> 04 2. The Stand means that we open our hearts for the oppressed.<br> Matthew 25:34-40 <br> 05 3. The Stand means that we pursue purity. <br> 06 Genesis 39:8-12<br> Biblical Purity: Abstinence before marriage and faithfulness inside of marriage. <br> Sexual purity is a test of faith.<br> 07 4. The Stand means that we are good stewards of God’s resources for God’s glory.<br> Being a percentage, priority giver is a huge test of faith. <br> 08 5. The Stand means being willing to risk it all for the mission.<br> Closing<br>