09-06-2009 Painkillers - Message 01: The Painkiller For Hurt

New Vision Baptist Church show

Summary: 01 Opening, II Corinthians 10:3-5<br> 02 I. Hurt is part of my life story.<br> 03 John 16:33<br> 04 II. Hurt is always intensified by unrealistic expectations.<br> A. Unrealistic expectations are caused by a faulty view of scripture.<br> 05 B. God never wastes a hurt!!!<br> 06 III. Healing the hurt is a process, II Kings 5:9-14<br> 07 Colossians 2:13-15<br> 08 II Corinthians 1:18-22<br> 09 We have to deal with the root issue, not the symptom.<br> Hurts that are not dealt with lead to unhealthy hang-ups, which progress to uncontrollable habits.<br>