The Diablo Podcast #33: Weekly News Attack, August 19, 2011

Diablo: IncGamers -  The Unofficial Diablo 3 Site News and Forums show

Summary: Elly and Flux run down the news items of the past week, with our customary wit, irreverence, and Flux's inappropriate jokes. Topics include the newly-announced Inferno difficulty level, new screenshots and over-blown character armor looks from Gamescom, street art in Germany, Real Money Trading issues, Diablo III's death penalty, and more As usual, the YouTube version is basically a video feature, with numerous video clips, photos of the issues under discussion, game artwork and screenshots, and much more. The Diablo Podcast Episode Guide in the wiki provides easy navigation with a short summary of every show. Listen and subscribe through iTunes. View video versions of all The Diablo Podcasts on You Tube, via our all-encompassing Diablo3Inc channel.