The Diablo Podcast #37: Legendary Items, 10 Character Limit & Tin Foil Hats

Diablo: IncGamers -  The Unofficial Diablo 3 Site News and Forums show

Summary: The thirty-seventh episode of The Diablo Podcast is now online for your listening pleasure. On this show, Flux, Neinball, and DiablosMinion run down a variety of recent topics. Could Blizzard be planning to secretly sell items for $ via the Auction House? Should Legendary items always have special graphics, and is that going to be a bad thing, given how over the top the Inferno armor looks? Why does anyone think ten characters are enough for Diablo 3? What was best (and worst) in the recently-leaked class skill movies? All that plus Flux's grand theory of Blizzard fanboy defensive rage. The Diablo Podcast Episode Guide in the wiki provides easy navigation with a short summary of every show. Listen and subscribe through iTunes. View video versions of all The Diablo Podcasts on You Tube, via our all-encompassing Diablo3Inc channel.