The Diablo Podcast #46: Beta Tester Interview: FludDaStud

Diablo: IncGamers -  The Unofficial Diablo 3 Site News and Forums show

Summary: The forty-sixth episode of The Diablo Podcast is a conversation with Fluddastud, one of the first wave of Diablo 3 Beta F&F testers. Fluddastud has posted numerous screenshots and gameplay movies, and as much of the beta as he's played, he knows its ins and outs very well. Tons of first hand info covered in this one, so if you want to know more about the game, don't miss it. Topics covered are too numerous to list. They include how he got into the F&F beta, his first reaction to D3, his favorite characters for full play throughs and for Clvl 13 item hunting, game balance, nasty boss mods, hardcore mode, the economy, the game UI, game creation and friend features, SP vs. MP benefits, magic find issues, bugs and technical issues, and much more. The Diablo Podcast Episode Guide in the wiki provides easy navigation with a short summary of every show. Listen and subscribe through iTunes. View video versions of all The Diablo Podcasts on You Tube, via our all-encompassing Diablo3Inc channel.