What is your Return On Investment for Your Product or Service?

E3C: The Passionate Entrepreneur show

Summary: The Passionate Entrepreneur discusses with Glenn Clowney of ROI-Calc the importance of understanding your Return On Investment (ROI). Do you know what the ROI for your product or service? How do you prove your ROI to your clients? How do you communicate your ROI? Your answer could mean the difference between getting the sale and closing deal or leaving empty handed with no sale! Glenn talks about how to use ROI to communicate your value, improve company sales and differentiate your company from the competition! Check out the website: www.ROI-Calc.com ROI Calc is conducting workshops across the USA! Enroll now! www.roi-calc.com/workshops_sales.htm Bumper music provided by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music E3C Links: www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com (company website) www.twitter.com/KenE3C (Twitter) www.my-business-community.com (community website) www.E3C.typepad.com (blog) and www.E3C.podOmatic.com (podcast) www.E3CPassionateEntrepreneur.pbwiki.com (wiki) www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com (business social network)