Ten Ways that Entrepreneurs Reveal they are Amateurs!

E3C: The Passionate Entrepreneur show

Summary: SPEC Talk Radio brings together the entrepreneur and investor community to learn about how to create wealth through investment in high growth private opportunities. Karen Rands interviews Jessia Mah. Jessica Mah is an up and coming young entrepreneur that has only recently made the Inc Magazine's list for college entrepreneurs to watch. Jessica Mah, will surely be a highlight and interesting to listen to as she shares her experience as a successful entrepreneur since her first business at 13 to her current role as a leader and influencer among young entrepreneurs. Jessica and Karen met on Twitter after Karen received a Tweet on her inspiring and humorous blog entry about Why 99% of the Entrepreneurs Fail. (www.Jessicahmah.com/blog and www.internshipin.com) Karen says, "Given that I talk to an average of 5-10 inspired entrepreneurs each day that are seeking capital to get their business off the ground or to the next level, I have learned a lot. We take time to understand their potential so we can actually help them, I encounter entrepreneurs that fall into the three categories". She referenced the following: Type 1 Amateur Entrepreneur: All ideas, no implementation. Type 2 Amateur Entrepreneur: Lots of ideas and half assed implementations. Type 3 Amateur Entrepreneur: Lots of ideas, lots of implementations, and absolutely no focus. Karen adds, "I’d venture to say there, not that 99% of the business fail, it is that 99% of them fail if they don't learn how to not be an amateur entrepreneur. I added a 4th type. There is a Type 4 Amateur Entrepreneur -- Lots of Ideas and Doesn’t know what he (or she) Doesn’t know." Guests: Brian Javeline www.myonlinetoolbox.com and Kenneth Darryl Brown www.bettersalesandprofitsnow.com Check out these investment websites: www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music