An Orwellian Fairy Tale

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   Do you find it strange that a 6 year old boy was charged with rape for playing doctor? Or that a 9 year old boy was suspended for school for “sexual harassment” after calling his female teacher “cute”?  How about the 13 year old boy that just recently burped in class, and was arrested for it? Combine that with the fact that there is currently an unchecked epidemic of fully grown school teachers sexually molesting their students, and you get a reality that could only come to you courtesy of a stout dose of LSD, or perhaps George Orwell. Tonight on AVfM Radio we examine how what Christina Hoff Sommers called “The War on Boys,” is sinking to depths that Sommers herself could not have imagined when she penned that book. And of course all this is happening in a culture where our supposed leaders are either whistling and looking the other way, or fully participating in the abuses. Join co-hosts John the Other and Paul Elam tonight at 8:00 Central Time U.S. for another foray into the increasingly bizarre world of feminist-chivalrist governance. This program, like all the others, will demonstrate why the evil twins of Feminists and White Knights never muster the courage to call in.  The red pill is poison to them, and so is the truth. Dr. T will be screening calls.