Fantasy Author Rose Black and Slamming Into a Brick Wall

Queries, Qualms, & Quirks show

Summary: <p>Fantasy Author Rose Black joins Queries, Qualms, &amp; Quirks this week to discuss her journey to publication.</p> <p>Rose Black is a combination of anxiety and dyslexia in a hoodie, bi, a professional computer wrangler, and mother to the world’s wiggliest child. She’s lucky enough to live in the historic city of Bath and is capable of eating her weight in sushi.</p> <p>Rose: <a href="">Query</a> | <a href="">Website</a> | <a href="">Twitter</a> | <a href="">Instagram</a> | <a href="">Amazon</a> | <a href="">Bookshop</a> | <a href=";awinaffid=1528081&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Libro FM</a> </p> <p><a href="">QQQ Home Base</a> |<a href=""> Support on Patreon</a></p> <p><a href=";ouid=117960902139688351428&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true">Read the full transcript.</a></p> <p><br><strong>If links aren't clickable, find them here: </strong><a href=""></a><strong> </strong></p>