Episode 29- Finding Balance- 5 Steps that I have Taken to Balance a Crazy and Hectic Life

Jason Lanier Photography Unfiltered show

Summary: It's been a YEAR since I've released a podcast and that's because my life is SO CRAZY!! So this podcast is a reflection of me finding more balance in my life so I can get back to things like the podcast as well as doing all of the other work that I have to do PLUS manage my personal life.<br><br>Everything we do in this life comes at a cost both financially, personally and professionally. So, this is what I'm working on to make it all work. <br><br>The 5 Steps Include:<br><br>*Setting Priorities<br>*Setting Boundaries<br>*Setting Timelines<br>*Managing Workflow<br>*Setting RECOVERY Time<br><br>I hope it helps!!