Government and Innovation – Who is Really Pulling the Strings?

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: As the world becomes more digital and technology-focused, the need for innovation has never been greater. Startups and entrepreneurs drive this innovation, creating solutions to problems that have never been solved before. However, innovation is more than just creating a new product or service – it requires a <a href="">supportive ecosystem</a> to thrive. This is where the government can play a crucial role.<br> <br> What role should governments play in encouraging, supporting, and growing innovation success?<br> Each of the three levels of government (local (city), regional (state), and national (federal)) has a role to play in enabling innovation so that their constituents can compete in the innovation economy.<br> Local (City) Government and Innovation<br> The local government can play a pivotal role in growing innovation success by creating an ecosystem that supports startups and entrepreneurs. They can achieve this by providing access to affordable office space, promoting networking events, and offering tax incentives to attract startups to the area. In addition, local governments can invest in initiatives that support the growth of the local startup ecosystem. The result will be an increase in the number of startups and entrepreneurs in the area, which will drive job creation, economic growth, and innovation.<br> Strengthening Education and Workforce Development<br> Local governments can enhance innovation success by bolstering <a href="">education initiatives</a> and workforce development programs, especially in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). By fostering a solid educational environment, local governments can ensure a steady stream of skilled workers to meet the needs of innovative industries. Workforce development programs can also offer adult retraining options, providing all community members can contribute to and benefit from the thriving innovation ecosystem.<br> One example of a successful partnership between local government and education to support innovation is the LaunchCode program in St. Louis, Missouri. This initiative provides free coding boot camps for individuals interested in pursuing careers in technology. The city government has invested in this program, recognizing the potential for job creation and economic growth through developing a skilled workforce.<br> Providing Infrastructure and Resources<br> Robust infrastructure is a fundamental requirement for the growth of innovative businesses. Local governments can provide high-speed internet, efficient transportation, and reliable utilities, making the area attractive for startups. They can also facilitate the establishment of innovation hubs, incubators, and co-working spaces that provide entrepreneurs with vital resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities.<br> One example is the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in Boston, Massachusetts. The city government supported the development of CIC by providing tax incentives and helping navigate regulatory processes. Today, CIC houses over 1,000 startups and has played a significant role in establishing Boston as a leading innovation hub.<br> Affordable Housing and Competitive Cost-of-Living<br> The presence of affordable housing and a competitive cost of living are critical elements in fostering a thriving innovation ecosystem. Affordable housing options allow entrepreneurs, startup employees, and other local talent to live and work in the same area, supporting a diverse and inclusive community. A competitive cost of living can help attract and keep talent, as individuals and families are more likely to settle in regions where their income stretches further. By actively working to maintain or lower the cost of living, local governments can ensure that their region remains attractive for ...