Dr. Kenneth Martz - Manage My Emotions

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: Dr. Ken is a colleague of Joel's from his time years ago at Williamsville Wellness near Richmond, VA. Joel says, "He was instrumental in helping me further my understanding of the law of attraction." Dr. Ken is a licensed psychologist and author with over 25 years experience in the treatment and management of gambling and other addictive disorders. He was formerly the Special Assistant to the Secretary for the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His book, Manage My Emotions:  https://www.amazon.com/Manage-My-Emotions-Learned-Emotion-ebook/dp/B08GZV98NX Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow