TTE 42: Blogging, Directory Profile Photo Advice, and SEO for Therapists

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: Jeff Guenther shares all his expertise on blogging with a local spin, SEO in private practice &amp; how to take the perfect Psychology Today profile picture.<br> <br> When Jeff Guenther was stuck in an agency job he hated, he scheduled an interview with the Apple Store. "I can't work at the mall again," he told himself, quit his agency job, never showed up for his interview, and started his own private practice. And started seeing clients for $25/session.<br> <br> With such a low session rate, Jeff was able to attract a lot of clients, especially his ideal clientele. But in order to make ends meet, he had to see TONS of clients every week.<br> <br> Listen to the rest of our interview with Jeff to hear the rest of his Therapist Experience, as well as learn about how he developed other revenue streams, including selling SEO products to therapists and creating his own mental health directory!