Do you need a website or landing pages? The answer – BOTH! with Lori Lyons

Kickstart the Conversation show

Summary: Catharine O’Leary, the host of Kickstart the Conversation, welcomes her colleague Lori Lyons to the show whose area of expertise in in marketing and website design. Catharine and Lori talk about the need for a website vs. a series of landing pages that customers can opt-in to for more information on a specific topic or offer. Lori walks us through the importance of having a website for any business owner. A website provides a space for potential clients to learn more about the business and its services. It is a comprehensive representation of the business, and it is important to make it easy for potential clients to find and connect with the business through the website. On the other hand a landing page is a web page that is specifically designed to capture a visitor's attention and encourage them to take a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Landing pages are usually created for a specific marketing or advertising campaign and are often used in conjunction with email marketing, social media advertising, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Landing pages are important to a business because they allow you to focus on a specific goal or objective, which can help to increase conversions and generate more leads. By directing visitors to a dedicated landing page, you can provide them with a clear and concise message that is tailored to their needs, which can increase the likelihood that they will take the desired action. Where landing pages focus on a specific purpose or action, a website provides a full picture of the business and its offerings. It is crucial for a business to have a clear call to action on its website to encourage potential clients to take action and connect with the business. Overall, both a business websits and landing pages can be a powerful tool in a business's marketing toolkit, helping to increase conversions and generate more leads. Lastly, owning the website and domain is essential to avoid being on rented space that can be shut down by third-party entities. This means that the business should purchase and register its own domain name, rather than relying on a third-party platform that may change its policies or shut down at any time. By owning the website and domain, the business has full control over its online presence and can make changes and updates as needed. Thanks Lori for talking us through this important distinction!