Entrepreneur’s Drown, They Don’t Starve

Align Your Practice show

Summary: Join host, Dr. Cliff and co-host, Dr. Joseph Esposito as Align Your Practice helps you understand and create clarity on your leadership and vision. In this episode, they focus on utilizing time to honor core values in life and create better outcomes rather than just being busy. They use the metaphor of big rocks being the important things in life and the smaller rocks, pebbles, sand, and water is less important things. The hosts urge listeners to free up space by crossing off half of their unfinished projects, creating a vacuum for the opportunity, and focusing their energy and attention on measurable outcomes. They also stress the importance of saying "no" to things that are not in alignment with core values or goals. How to bring this into your culture and your life to create the alignlife. Do you feel like you have struggles or challenges in these areas, this episode will help you understand and fill in the gaps and create the life and practice of your dreams.