Finding Your Center and Staying Motivated as an Entrepreneur | Talking with Tarashuk

Talking with Tarashuk  show

Summary: <p>Are you an entrepreneur who is feeling lost or burnt out?</p><p>In this clip from the Talking with Tarashuk Podcast, I sit down with the Founder &amp; CEO of Day One, Andrew Hutton to discuss how you find your center and stay motivated as an entrepreneur. Andrew shares his own personal experiences and insights, and offers practical advice on how to overcome challenges and build a successful business.</p><p>Here are some key takeaways from the episode:</p><p>1. Find your center. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What are you uniquely qualified to do? Once you know your center, you can use it to guide your business decisions and stay motivated.</p><p>2. Don't be afraid to pivot. Things don't always go according to plan, so be prepared to change course if necessary. Don't be afraid to fail, and learn from your mistakes.</p><p>3. Build a strong support system. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your business. Having a strong support system will help you stay motivated when things get tough.</p><p>If you're an entrepreneur who is feeling lost or burnt out, I encourage you to listen to this episode. </p><p>If you want to be a guest on Talking with Tarashuk please email me at with a link to your website and let me know why.</p><p>Please consider a Donation to help fund the show<br><br>—————————————— <br>Follow the Podcast<br><br>——————————————</p> <strong> <a href="" rel="payment" title="★ Support this podcast ★">★ Support this podcast ★</a> </strong>