I feel like a, like a slice of butter... melting on top of a big-ol' pile of flapjacks... - OH NO Disc Golf Episode 97

OH NO Disc Golf  show

Summary: <p>Check out Disc Baron use code 155402 for 10% off. </p> <p>Use code OHNO20 for 20% off over at frictiongloves.com</p> <p>Use code OHNO for free shipping on any item at our Teespring store</p> <p>Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, YouTube.         </p> <p>I want to smoke a bowl with the audience </p> <p>Topic #1 </p> <p>Official start of Summer Leagues!</p> <p>On your card! </p> <p>Terminal Velocity discs hats are dope as titxzs</p> <p>Topic #2 </p> <p>Friction Glove Giveaway</p> <p>Epicly Later'd</p> <p>Topic #3</p> <p>What’s the best thing that’s happened to you since we last spoke?</p> <p>How do you define happiness?</p> <p>Pick 6 disc golfers to go on each dollar bill.</p> <p>Name your ideal sponsors. (Manufacturer, retail, clothing and shoes)</p> <p><br> </p>