186. Doing life with less (summer challenge)

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: This spring I reflected on our finances and felt a sense of defeat over where I was vs where I wanted to be. I had to acknowledge aspects like lifestyle creep, inflation and inattention to contribute to this.  This prompted me to ask the Simple Squad (Facebook group) to join in a challenge to do life with less this summer. <br>  <br> <br>  <br> In this episode<br> <br> Acknowledging the privilege of doing a challenge like this, by choice<br> Reflecting on the cultural expectations for what we need ‘have/do’ as relevant, acceptable adults in society<br> The lifestyle creep, the new baseline cost of maintaining our life<br> The impact of inflation on our daily lives, in Canada <br> Joining the challenge in the Facebook group <br> The different intentions participants have in how they aim to live with less <br> My weekly goal of living less (the little things matter)<br> Tracking spending<br> <br>  <br> <br> Join the<a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/simpleonpurposecommunity" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> facebook group</a><br> Check out the <a href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/podcastplaylists/">spotify playlists</a> to find episodes by topics<br> Sign up for <a href="https://intentional.simpleonpurpose.ca/simplesaturdays" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Simple Saturdays email </a><br> Follow me on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/simpleonpurpose.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instagram </a><br>  <br> Related to simple living <br> <br> <a title="141. When shopping isn’t making your life better (mindful and minimalist tips for shopping)" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/141-when-shopping-isnt-making-your-life-better-mindful-and-minimalist-tips-for-shopping/">141. When shopping isn’t making your life better (mindful and minimalist tips for shopping)</a><br> <a title="You Can Simplify Your Life Series" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/mom-simplify-life-series/">You Can Simplify Your Life Series</a><br> <a title="63. Why it is hard to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and what to do about it" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/episode63/">63. Why it is hard to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and what to do about it</a><br> <a title="Five Ways We Justify Needless Shopping" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/justify-needless-shopping/">Five Ways We Justify Needless Shopping</a><br> <a title="7 Eye-Opening Lessons I Learned From 200 Days Of Buying Nothing New" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/buy-nothing-new-lessons/">7 Eye-Opening Lessons I Learned From 200 Days Of Buying Nothing New</a><br> <a title="127. Planning your Summer on Purpose (Tips for Moms)" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/summer-on-purpose-planning-mom/">127. Planning your Summer on Purpose (Tips for Moms)</a><br> <br>  <br> Links mentioned<br> <br> CBC marketplace - <a href="https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2116740675832">the inflation survival guide</a><br> Fun cheap or free <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCr-54OH7IY">envelope budget strategy </a><br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Full transcript (unedited)<br> <br> 0:07<br> Hey friends, it's Sean me your nerdy girlfriend, Counselor therapist.ca. I know the podcast is wrapped up for this summer. But I wanted to stop by and share a summer challenge that I'm posting in the Facebook group. So the Facebook group, if you've looked for in in the past, yes, it was closed, it is reopened right now, if you want to join, the challenge is called Life with less the life with less challenge. And this challenge was motivated by a conversation I was having with my best friend about debt and managing money and the kind of bigger vision that we have for ourselves financially. And carrying debt, it might be one thing,