What To Do During Holy Week For Our Marriage: Holy Week Explained (CARP082)

Catholic Alpha Radical show

Summary: In this 82nd episode? Catholic Alpha's Radical Rant: Easter the Catholic<br> way – Celebrating Holy Week as Christ intended!<br> <br> [Quote:]" But in the Catholic faith Easter is everything!<br> <br> All of these different liturgical seasons…It is all so rich and beautiful!<br> <br> How can anyone not want to be part of this amazing Church that Christ<br> built?" [End Quote]<br> <br> Jerry Jacobs Jr ~ Catholic Alpha<br> <br> In this 82nd episode of the Catholic Alpha Radical LIVE Show we discuss...<br> <br> Holy Week and how you can enhance your marriage during this awesome<br> week in the Catholic Church!<br> <br> Plus, your LIVE calls to answer your Catholic marriage problem questions.<br> <br> Can you afford to miss this?<br> <br> Get your Radical Relationship Advice Today...<br> <br> Listen Now!