Andrew Root: the Church after Innovation

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: <a href="">Andrew Root </a>is the Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry<a href=""></a> at Luther Seminary, USA. He writes and researches in areas of theology, ministry, culture, and younger generations.  <a href=";ref=nb_sb_noss_2">Some of his most recent books</a> are The Congregation in a Secular Age (Baker, 2021), The End of Youth Ministry? (Baker, 2020), The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need God (Baker, 2019), Faith Formation in a Secular Age (Baker, 2017), and Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science (Fortress Press, 2018).  Andy has worked in congregations, parachurch ministries, and social service programs. He lives in St. Paul with his wife Kara, two children, Owen and Maisy, and their dog. When not reading, writing, or teaching, Andy spends far too much time watching TV and movies.<br> Previous Visits with Andy Root<br> <br> * <a href="">Churches and the Crisis of Decline</a><br> * <a class="entry-title-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Acceleration, Resonance, &amp; the Counting Crows</a><br> * <a class="entry-title-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Ministry in a Secular Age</a><br> * <a class="entry-title-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Christopraxis with Andy Root</a><br> * <a class="entry-title-link" href="" rel="bookmark">Faith Formation in a Secular Age</a><br> * <a class="entry-title-link" href="" rel="bookmark">the Promise of Despair</a><br> <br> <a href="">Live in Minneapolis? Going to the Festival of Homiletics? Come to the FREE live podcast!</a><br> Upcoming Online Class: Bonhoeffer &amp; the Future of Faith<br> Why does a theologian like Dietrich Bonhoeffer still excite our theological imagination? What is it about his work in <a href=""></a>a different era that still engages some of the most cutting edge theological work done today? Join us for the new Homebrewed Christianity class, “Bonhoeffer and the Future of Faith” as we listen to and learn from internationally known scholars working in areas such as climate change, prison reform, racial tensions, pastoral care, and Christian Nationalism. These scholars, generations removed from Bonhoeffer’s day, find inspiration in him for the continuing task of theology to interpret and respond to global challenges in our day. Together this class will think about Bonhoeffer’s enduring question to the church of his day, “What is Christianity for us today?” How we are responding in our time to this question will determine the shape of faith for our day and beyond.<br> <br> <a href="">Follow the podcast, drop a review</a>, or become a <a href="">member of the HBC Community</a>.<a href=""><br> <br> </a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><a class="fancybox image" href="" data-featherlight="image"></a><br> <br> <br>