Kevin Kelly: Wisdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: When one of your heroes writes a book to share the wisdom they have collected in life and you have a podcast… this episode happens.<br> Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He co-founded Wired in 1993, and served as its <a href=""></a>Executive Editor for its first seven years. His newest book is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Excellent Advice for Living</a>, a book of 450 modern proverbs for good living. He is co-chair of <a href="">The Long Now Foundation</a>, a membership organization that champions long-term thinking and acting as a good ancestor to future generations. And he is founder of the popular <a href="">Cool Tools</a> website, which has been reviewing tools daily for 20 years. From 1984-1990 Kelly was publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review, a subscriber-supported journal of unorthodox conceptual news. He co-founded the ongoing Hackers’ Conference, and was involved with the launch of the WELL, a pioneering online service started in 1985. Other books by Kelly include 1) <a href=";linkCode=sl1&amp;tag=kkorg-20&amp;linkId=e49c5c5acbcb8ca68e3ba155c76e0550">The Inevitable</a>, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, 2) <a href="">Out of Control</a>, his 1994 classic book on decentralized emergent systems, 3) <a href="">The Silver Cord</a>, a graphic novel about robots and angels, 4) <a href="">What Technology Wants</a>, a robust theory of technology, and 5) Vanishing Asia, his 50-year project to photograph the disappearing cultures of Asia.  He is best known for his radical optimism about the future.<br> You can check out Kevin Kelly’s first visit to the podcast here: <a href="">The Sherpa of the Technium and Future Czar of Technology</a><br> Want to get a free copy of Kevin Kelly’s new book <a href="">Excellent Advice for Living </a>and <a href="">the new book I edited of my favorite fount of wisdom John Cobb</a>? Well I will draw three names from those who submit their own nugget of wisdom below.<br> Loading…<br> <a href="">Follow the podcast, drop a review</a>, or become a <a href="">member of the HBC Community</a>.<a href=""><br> <br> </a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><a class="fancybox image" href="" data-featherlight="image"></a><br> <br>