Raising Kids Without Raising your Voice with Rachel Duffy

The Blissful Parenting Podcast show

Summary: Every parent wants a deep connection with their children while guiding them through life. But sometimes we felt like we can’t get that connection, it seems like kids aren’t listening. We try to bottle up everything, then suddenly we explode, we yell, we feel guilty. If we’re not yelling, how can we get our kids to listen? This episode is worth listening to. Yelling is one of the most common dilemmas of parents in raising children. What are the consequences of yelling? What are we actually reinforcing when we raise our voice to our kids? Is it possible to raise a child without raising your voice? What is really happening when parents use positive and negative reinforcement? Michelle and our guest, Rachel Duffy will dive into these questions, and will help you break the cycle of the traditional model of parenting. “When we yell when our children are in a meltdown, our nervous system is in what is called a ‘Dysregulated State'..Our nervous system flipped the switch to say something dangerous is happening right now. And the only behaviors available in that state are fight, flight, freeze fun. So when we explode on our kids, or when our kids explode, that means we are in a fight state. It's a dysregulated state. To get out of it, yelling is not going to get you out of it…You would have to talk to the nervous system and flip off the switch”. - Rachel Duffy