A Set For Maha Shivaratri

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: I’m feeling blessed by a lot these days. Those of you who listen to the New World Kirtan Podcast are one of my biggest blessings — this community has enriched my life in ways too numerous to count. Thank you for being here. And we’ve been here together for quite a long time — the <a href="https://newworldkirtan.com/2008/12/kirtan-session-1/">first edition of the podcast</a> was posted in 2018 before anyone really knew what a podcast was. I was always trying to explain it! We’ve been through quite a journey together — my mother’s illness &amp; death, my own surgeries &amp; health challenges, several momentous American elections and the COVID-19 pandemic, to name a few. Kirtan &amp; Bhakti Yoga were my anchors through all of it.<br> To honor our journey, I’m rerunning some of the most downloaded episodes of the NWK Podcast over the years. We’ll begin with <a href="https://newworldkirtan.com/2013/11/om-shiva/">Om Shiva</a> from 2013, to celebrate the Hindu festival of Maha Shivaratri on February 18. This podcast has been a journal of sorts, and I have to say I loved listening to my 2013 self talking about how I’d like o build a kirtan community here in Corvallis. How far we’ve come!<br> I’m blessed to have you as a listener, dear one. Until next time. Namaste.<br> THE MUSIC<br> <br> <a href="https://tyburhoe.bandcamp.com/album/invocation">Ty Burhoe, Krishna Das, Manorama, John Friend &amp; Amy Ippoliti</a>, Invocation: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="https://shantalamusic.com/store/jaya/">Shantala</a>, Jaya: Om Namah Shivaya<br> I<a href="https://music.apple.com/us/album/om-spiritus-music-for-a-peaceful-planet/347004035">ndiajiva</a>, Om Spiritus, Music for a Peaceful Planet: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="https://dayashilacarriegrossman.bandcamp.com/track/om-namah-shivaya">Carrie Grossman</a>, Soma-Bandhu: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="https://www.allmusic.com/album/yoga-sol-mw0000801921?1676665591209">Govindas</a>, Yoga Sol: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="http://www.premahara.com/music/sweet-surrender-lyrics">Prema Hara</a>, Sweet Surrender: Shiva Appears (Om Namah Shivaya)<br> <a href="https://whiteswanrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-yoga-sessions-masood-ali-khan">Masood Ali Kahn</a>, The Yoga Sessions: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Lumiere-Du-Son-Betty-Roi/dp/B00390795M">Betty Roi</a>, La Lumiere Du Son<br> <br>