Slender Man: The Modern Myth (Pop Culture Legends)

Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast show

Summary: <p>There's just something about a good scary story. <br> <br> An eerie silence that is often followed by a good jump scare really gets the blood moving and it doesn't matter if it is in a movie theater, around a camp fire, or the comfort of our own homes; some people love to be scared. <br> <br> Like many stories we've told in this miniseries, today's was born on the internet. From the depths of the Something Awful forums a tall, thin, faceless entity was born. A monster of our own creation frightened us as we bathed in the warm glow of our computer monitors until one day... when its dreadfully long limbs reached into reality. <br> <br> Welcome to Pop Culture Legends, a Digital Dissection Miniseries! Today's episode is about the modern myth known as Slender Man. A terrifying being that was made up as a modern ghost story and entertained horror fans around the globe until one tragic day in Wisconsin -- when its terror became all too real. <br> <br> Be sure to download today's episode to find out more!<br> <br> Music Credits:<br> "Pop Culture Legends"<br> Written and performed by Chris Lott<br> All other tracks provided by WeVideo.  <br>  <br> Follow us on:<br> Facebook: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJjSXdlTWI5UEpxUGJVMHQ5SE5PSjluTkJKQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVFzaTZHMUhna3R5bU9HUWkxQlU5MGo5Z29mQWk1YkJpc25qeUFUYno2UTEtWl9EeGFnSXRyVU1DRjFCLUZfY00yUEVLNkN6ekdTcVM1d1AzNjlJaXlTX1cxVE15U0lxUno0bl9EMXRvUUw2b2RGdw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> Twitch: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9IV2dfbXg1MmtjR2tFZFQ4bnhnS3oyZm16UXxBQ3Jtc0trRk9sSmtSVUlvajlIQlBzUVY3bGpNYk5rVjFMYXpiWjFoMkxoa1I3d2pLRG5CN3FibjB0eEtncUZna0RWMVg5NmEtaWhwa0tjazlxNHZlMUNzVDF1NzNycmlrd2xmSmkxMF9GN05pSzNqdVNpeHU2RQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> Twitter: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazYtNjRtdWpoZkgxOGgtT2RIZXlRRUpUX0hDd3xBQ3Jtc0tucnp2SHJEWG04MzlBR3JDdG11WnB2X0NEREluU2tCVm9LaFh4OHFjN2otTXNTLWFrUDk5WXNoZ0VfWFMxeXdiZjJwak1sNWxTU09mYnJtTW5uNno2YWY3SFlSc0RoZllhbmd2Wkp0aUV2ZHo2WUNvWQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> Youtube: <a href=""></a></p>