Transformers: Animation Mystery (Pop Culture Legends)

Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast show

Summary: <p>When you grew up watching your favorite cartoons on Saturday morning, you may not have noticed some differences in quality amongst your favorite shows. Maybe you were too busy getting swept up by the excitement, maybe they were just too subtle, or maybe you were too hyped up on the sugar we disguised as cereal to have noticed.<br> <br> It may forever be a mystery... just like the identity of whomever made some of our favorite Transformers episodes.<br> <br> Welcome to Pop Culture Legends, a Digital Dissection Mini Series! Today's legend dives into the mystery of nine episodes of the original 1980's Transformers the Animated Series that no one knows who actually animated them. How could this happen? To find out more, be sure to download today's episode!<br> <br> Transformers Wiki Resource:<br> <a href=""><br> </a><br> Reddit Unknown Animation Resource:<br> <a href="" target="_blank"><br> </a><br> Music Credits:<br> "Pop Culture Legends"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> All other tracks provided by WeVideo. <br> <strong>Follow us on:</strong><br> <strong>Facebook: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJjSXdlTWI5UEpxUGJVMHQ5SE5PSjluTkJKQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVFzaTZHMUhna3R5bU9HUWkxQlU5MGo5Z29mQWk1YkJpc25qeUFUYno2UTEtWl9EeGFnSXRyVU1DRjFCLUZfY00yUEVLNkN6ekdTcVM1d1AzNjlJaXlTX1cxVE15U0lxUno0bl9EMXRvUUw2b2RGdw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Twitch: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9IV2dfbXg1MmtjR2tFZFQ4bnhnS3oyZm16UXxBQ3Jtc0trRk9sSmtSVUlvajlIQlBzUVY3bGpNYk5rVjFMYXpiWjFoMkxoa1I3d2pLRG5CN3FibjB0eEtncUZna0RWMVg5NmEtaWhwa0tjazlxNHZlMUNzVDF1NzNycmlrd2xmSmkxMF9GN05pSzNqdVNpeHU2RQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Twitter: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazYtNjRtdWpoZkgxOGgtT2RIZXlRRUpUX0hDd3xBQ3Jtc0tucnp2SHJEWG04MzlBR3JDdG11WnB2X0NEREluU2tCVm9LaFh4OHFjN2otTXNTLWFrUDk5WXNoZ0VfWFMxeXdiZjJwak1sNWxTU09mYnJtTW5uNno2YWY3SFlSc0RoZllhbmd2Wkp0aUV2ZHo2WUNvWQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Youtube: </strong><a href=""></a></p>