New Actions = New Results | Ep.20

Diaries of a 6 figure Coach show

Summary: What Got You Here Won't Get You There. And what got you to this level in your business, won’t get you to the next. Once you reach a certain level and you maintain that level, there's going to be new actions, new choices, new ways of doing required to be able to scale from here. And that doesn't mean that foundational things are going to be just out of the window. Not at all. They are going to continue to be exactly what they are, but attempting to do something that we haven't done before always feels a little bit scary but as entrepreneurs, as leaders, as visionaries, we've decided to choose a path where we are continuously and constantly moving and embracing unchartered waters. Because we are literally doing things for the first time, all the time. As you're scaling your business, you will be doing different things to be able to scale, you're gonna start taking new actions, you're gonna start bringing in a team, you're gonna start bringing in systems, or start running ads. Bottom line is you will start doing things differently again, then you have been, in order for you to be able to get to your next level. We're constantly evolving, we're constantly changing and in order to be able to get to that new next level, we have got to take new actions, we've got to continue to move into these uncharted waters so we see NEW RESULTS. And that takes VALOR. Tune in as I riff about taking new actions to get new results Want to catch the replay of the Valor Masterclass CLICK HERE. It’s available till October 17th. Or jump both feed in and apply for the incredible FREE Mastermind experience HERE