The American Experience at Risk, the Role of Women & How to Grow a Successful Non-Profit | QRE231

Quantum Revenue Expansion show

Summary: We live in a world that is so connected and yet at the same time one of the most disconnected. So how do we connect with, support and help one another in ways that will ensure a better future? Of course there is always the option of starting a nonprofit space but the work to get the systems and processes up and running to a level where we are making an impact is huge. As you will learn in today’s episode there are other options to be found through connections with non-profits that are already working in the areas you are most passionate about. Join me and my super special returning guest, Steve Miska to talk about the American experience at risk, the role of women, servant leadership and how to run a successful nonprofit. My hope is that today’s episode will inspire you to find new ways to support others today while investing in the future of all of us tomorrow.