"Wait a Cosmick Minute" Former Judas Priest Drummer Les Binks Talks About Digital Technology and Recording

The Cosmick Voice with Chris Natalini & Mick Michaels show

Summary: <p><strong>"Wait a Cosmick Minute" Former Judas Priest Drummer Les Binks Talks About Digital Technology and Recording</strong></p> <p>From an interview excerpt from <strong>The Cosmick View</strong> with <strong>former Judas Priest drummer Les Binks</strong>, Les talks about how digital technology has affected the modern day recording artist.</p> <p>Read the entire interview at<a href="https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1n8d1i/metadata/edit">: </a><a>https://thecosmickview.blogspot.com/2020/01/interview-with-legendary-drummer-les.html</a></p> <p><strong>The Cosmick View</strong> <em>"Where the stars always shine bright"</em> <a href="https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1mj4l3/metadata/edit">www.thecosmickview.com</a></p> <p><strong>The Cosmick Voice</strong> "M<em>usic, Talk &amp; Nothing But Business</em>" <a href="https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1n8d1i/metadata/edit">www.thecosmickvoice.com</a></p>